Ваша конфиденциальность очень важна для нас. Мы хотим, чтобы Ваша работа в Интернет по возможности была максимально приятной и полезной, и Вы совершенно спокойно использовали широчайший спектр информации, инструментов и возможностей, которые предлагает Интернет. Персональные данные, собранные при регистрации (или в любое другое время) преимущественно используется для подготовки Продуктов или Услуг в соответствии с Вашими потребностями. Ваша информация не будет передана или продана третьим сторонам. Однако мы можем частично раскрывать личную информацию в особых случаях, описанных в данной Политике конфиденциальности.
Рамки Политики конфиденциальности
Настоящая Политика конфиденциальности (далее — «Политика») применяется к информации, полученной через данный сайт, иные сайты, виджеты и другие используемые интерактивные средства, на которых есть ссылка на данную Политику (далее — «Сайт») от пользователей Сайта (далее — «Пользователи»). Нижеследующие правила описывают, как Университет «Синергия» обращается с любой информацией, относящейся к прямо или косвенно определенному или определяемому физическому лицу (субъекту персональных данных) (далее — «Персональные данные»), для целей оказания услуг с использованием Сайта. Пользователи включают в себя всех физических лиц, которые подключаются к Сайту и используют Сайт. Пользователи прямо соглашаются на обработку своих Персональных данных, как это описано в настоящей Политике. Обработка означает любое действие (операцию) или совокупность действий (операций), совершаемых с использованием средств автоматизации или без использования таких средств с Персональными данными, включая сбор, запись, систематизацию, накопление, хранение, уточнение (обновление, изменение), извлечение, использование, передачу (распространение, предоставление, доступ), блокирование, удаление, уничтожение Персональных данных. Настоящая Политика конфиденциальности действует с 03 марта 2016 г.
Контролирующие и обрабатывающие лица
Пользователи соглашаются с тем, что:
Пользуясь Сайтом, и принимая условия использования, опубликованные на Сайте, пользователь заявляет о своем однозначном согласии с обработкой его Персональных данных способами, описанными в настоящей Политике.
Обработка Персональных данных Пользователей осуществляется Оператором персональных данных — Университет «Синергия» (ИНН: 7729152149, ОГРН: 1037700232558).
С какой целью собираются эти данные
Имя используется для обращения лично к вам, а ваш e-mail для отправки вам писем рассылок, новостей тренинга, полезных материалов, коммерческих предложений. Вы можете отказаться от получения писем рассылки и удалить из базы данных свои контактные данные в любой момент, кликнув на ссылку для отписки, присутствующую в каждом письме.
Сбор Персональных данных
При регистрации на Сайте Пользователи подтверждают свое согласие с условиями настоящей Политики и свое согласие на обработку своих Персональных данных в соответствии с условиями настоящей Политики, кроме того они соглашаются на обработку своих Персональных данных на серверах Университета «Синергия», расположенных на территории Российской Федерации. Обработка Персональных данных осуществляется не дольше, чем этого требуют цели обработки Персональных данных, изложенные в настоящей Политике (за исключением случаев, предусмотренных законодательством Российской Федерации). Университет «Синергия» может обрабатывать следующие Персональные данные:
адрес электронной почты и иную контактную информацию;
сообщения, направляемые с использованием Сайта, и сообщения, направляемые в Университет «Синергия»;
иную информацию о взаимодействии Пользователя с Сайтом Университета «Синергия», результаты сбора статистики посещений Сайта Университета «Синергия» и общедоступной информации о программах и устройствах, используемых для такового доступа;
дополнительную информацию, которую Университет «Синергия» запрашивает у Пользователей для удостоверения их личности.
Как эти данные используются
На сайте используются куки (Cookies) и данные о посетителях сервиса Google Analytics. При помощи этих данных собирается информация о действиях посетителей на сайте с целью улучшения его содержания, улучшения функциональных возможностей сайта и, как следствие, создания качественного контента и сервисов для посетителей. Вы можете в любой момент изменить настройки своего браузера так, чтобы браузер блокировал все файлы cookie или оповещал об отправке этих файлов. Учтите при этом, что некоторые функции и сервисы не смогут работать должным образом.
Как эти данные защищаются Для защиты Вашей личной информации мы используем разнообразные административные, управленческие и технические меры безопасности. Наша Компания придерживается различных международных стандартов контроля, направленных на операции с личной информацией, которые включают определенные меры контроля по защите информации, собранной в Интернет. Наших сотрудников обучают понимать и выполнять эти меры контроля, они ознакомлены с нашим Уведомлением о конфиденциальности, нормами и инструкциями. Тем не менее, несмотря на то, что мы стремимся обезопасить Вашу личную информацию, Вы тоже должны принимать меры, чтобы защитить ее. Мы настоятельно рекомендуем Вам принимать все возможные меры предосторожности во время пребывания в Интернете. Организованные нами услуги и веб-сайты предусматривают меры по защите от утечки, несанкционированного использования и изменения информации, которую мы контролируем. Несмотря на то, что мы делаем все возможное, чтобы обеспечить целостность и безопасность своей сети и систем, мы не можем гарантировать, что наши меры безопасности предотвратят незаконный доступ к этой информации хакеров сторонних организаций. В случае изменения данной политики конфиденциальности вы сможете прочитать об этих изменениях на этой странице или, в особых случаях, получить уведомление на свой e-mail.
according to the monitoring data of the Ministry of Education
Places in the hostel
Employment assistance
Among the parameters that were taken into account in the rating:
Popularity of the university in its region;
Demand for graduates from employers;
Relative level of expected salaries;
The amount of work experience and current employment of graduates.
HeadHunter presented the ranking of the best universities for 2022−2023.
Synergy University entered the TOP 3 best universities in the country according to HeadHunter
It is worth noting that the rating includes the criterion “Demand for university graduates among employers,” according to which Synergy is ahead of the first two educational institutions.
Get consultation on faculties, passing scores and possible discounts
By clicking on the “Submit” button, you confirm that you have read the privacy policy and agree to the processing of personal data
You will find out a list of faculties, passing scores, a list of disciplines studied, information on employment and internship
By choosing this training format, you will attend classes in the afternoon several times a week, attend lectures and seminars, take tests and exams. The academic year begins on September 1 and is divided into 2 semesters.
You will attend the University 2 times a week on weekdays from 19:00 to 22:00. Classes are held throughout the school year. Taking tests and exams in this form of education is mandatory.
The training takes place on Saturday or Sunday from 10:00 to 17:00. This format is great for those who want to combine study with work and immediately implement the acquired knowledge into a real business. Passing assessments and exams in this form of education is mandatory.
Distance learning is implemented on the Synergy Learning System platform, where you receive materials and study them. Every six months, an in-person session at the University is scheduled
The training is provided through the Synergy Learning System application. In it you will find educational materials, master classes, you will be able to participate in seminars and take interactive testing. The session is held in-person every semester.
Learning is implemented using distance learning technologies. The only thing you need is a computer with Internet access or a tablet. This is an opportunity to get a sought-after profession where and when it is convenient for you.
The training is provided through the Synergy Learning System application. In it you will find educational materials, master classes, you will be able to participate in seminars and take interactive testing.
Leave a request for an admission consultation
By clicking on the “Submit” button, you confirm that you have read the privacy policy and agree to the processing of personal data
Educational documents
State diploma
Diploma Supplement
Special conditions
Payment of tuition in installments
Invitation processing and VISA support
Disabled people, students from large families and other privileged categories
Students who have paid for two or more semesters at the same time
Olympic winners, gold medalists, college graduates with a "red" diploma
Discounts on training
It will help you create a resume
It will help you find suitable vacancies
Organizes an interview at the company you are interested in
Student employment
Synergy University
One of the leading Russian universities, which for more than 30 years has been training professionals with a set of practical knowledge and skills both for starting and developing their own business and for working in managerial positions in large companies.
branches in Russia
graduates who have successfully completed educational programs
312 000+
in the national ranking by "Interfax" among private universities.”
place in the rating of educational programs of the management of the AC "Expert"
of higher education and a pan-European application in English
State Diploma
Student Employment Center
Since 2004, an Employment Center has been operating at our University, which helps students and graduates to correctly prepare a resume, pass an interview and get a prestigious job in large companies. Our partner companies take part in the development of curricula of educational programs, organize internships and internships for students.
Student life
Leave a request for an admission consultation
By clicking on the “Submit” button, you confirm that you have read the privacy policy and agree to the processing of personal data
What does a Synergy student do besides study
Participates in student events
Participates in the work of the student Media
He is undergoing trainings for the development of Soft skills
Participates in creative and sports student competitions
He works out at the Synergy Sports Club on campus
Participates in master classes of media speakers
Loyalty program
The University has a Synergy Friends loyalty program, thanks to which you can receive gifts or study at a discount of up to 100%!
Invite friends and acquaintances to join Synergy
Get tokens to the card for each new student
Invite friends and acquaintances to enroll in Synergy 132 Get tokens for each new student on the card, pay partially or completely with tokens for tuition, a gadget from the product catalog, train or plane tickets, travel from Synergy Travel and more.
Yes, it is possible. If the full-time learning format is inconvenient for you, you can choose correspondence with the use of distance learning technologies, which will allow you to combine the learning process and work.
Yes, our programs are designed taking into account the trends of each field. Not only theory, but also practical tasks contain relevant examples and cases.
Certainly! To ensure that our students find their dream job and build a successful career, they will be assisted by a team of Career Center specialists. Graduates can get advice, learn how to properly format their resumes and portfolios, and also take a test interview. In addition, graduates gain access to vacancies at partner companies.
Yes, we have partner companies that accept our students for internships. This gives students the opportunity to prove themselves in real life and get an objective assessment of their potential.
Admission is based on the Unified State Exam (EGE) if you are applying after a Russian school. If you are applying after college, for a second higher education, a master's program, or with any foreign educational document, you will take internal entrance examinations in your chosen field of study.
At the end of your studies, you will receive a state-issued diploma corresponding to your qualifications: college diploma or higher education diploma (with a bachelor's, specialty or master's degree)
№1 by the number of foreign students among universities in the Russian Federation
Choose an area of law that interests you, learn to navigate modern legislation and complete an internship in government and judicial authorities to gain all the competencies of a professional lawyer.
The following programs are implemented at the faculty:
Lawyer (college)
Criminal law (bachelor's, second higher, master's)
Civil law (bachelor's, second higher, master's)
Master of Criminal, Civil and Administrative Justice (Master's Degree)
Private law (civil) sciences (postgraduate studies)
Theoretical and historical legal sciences (postgraduate studies)
Civil law. Double degree program (courses)
Technical Faculty of Programming
At the faculty, you will gain knowledge in the field of programming, web development technologies, creation and promotion of software products, working with databases and algorithms. Learn to build IT systems to solve business problems, automate business processes, design and integrate software.
The following programs are implemented at the faculty:
Fullstack developer (bachelor's degree, second higher education, courses)
White hat hacker (Penetration tester) (bachelor's degree, second higher education)
Frontend developer (courses)
Python developer (courses)
Java developer (courses)
Python for Beginners (courses)
Backend developer (courses)
C++ developer (courses)
Java for Beginners (courses)
Basics of HTML and CSS layout (courses)
JavaScript for Beginners (courses)
PHP developer (courses)
C++ for beginners (courses)
C# from O to PRO (courses)
Unity development from O to PRO (courses)
PHP for beginners (courses)
Programmer (courses)
Double degree program. Development and application of applied software solutions (courses)
Humanitarian Faculty of Psychology
Learn how to recruit and motivate staff, master all aspects of organizational behavior, methods of resolving work conflicts and learn how to create a comfortable environment for the effective work of the company. The following programs are implemented at the Faculty:
Social Psychology (Bachelor's degree, second higher education)
Organizational Psychology (Bachelor's degree, second degree, Master's degree)
Practical Psychology (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Coaching and psychological counseling (Master's degree)
Consultant psychologist (courses)
Family Psychology (courses)
Psychology of lie detection (with personal support of the author) (courses)
Conscious parent (with personal support of the author) (courses)
Psychology of lie detection (courses)
Practical psychology. Two degree program (courses)
Medical Faculty of Medicine
This is a start for those who see their vocation in medicine and helping people. At Synergy University, you will be able to get a sought-after specialty and successfully start a career.
The following programs are implemented at the faculty:
Nurse/Medical Brother (College)
Paramedic (College)
Beauty Industry Specialist (College)
Pharmacist (College)
Dental Hygienist (College)
Health Care Management (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Public health, organization and sociology of healthcare, medical and social expertise (postgraduate studies)
Dentist (specialty)
Pharmacist (specialty)
Technical Faculty of Construction
The specialists of the direction understand geodesy, engineering graphics, know the methods of drafting project documentation, assess compliance with technical specifications and safety requirements, organize work on repair and reconstruction, renovation of buildings, are engaged in conservation and deconservation of objects, dismantling. The industry is being modernized at a rapid pace, its volumes are growing throughout the country, which makes the demand for specialists in the field of construction extremely high.
The following programs are implemented at the faculty:
Industrial and civil engineering (Bachelor's degree, second higher)
Heat and gas supply and ventilation (Bachelor's degree, second higher)
Water supply and sanitation (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Highways (Bachelor's degree, second higher education)
Real Estate Expertise and Management (Bachelor's degree)
Construction and operation of buildings and structures (college)
☆ All programs are implemented in partnership with the Moscow Institute of Technology.
Technical Faculty of Thermal Power Engineering and Heat Engineering
Thermal power engineering is an industry that unites enterprises operating on fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear fuel). Their goal is to produce and deliver energy and heat to the consumer. Graduates of the direction are in demand in construction, technological enterprises, boiler houses, thermal power plants, GRES, thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, as well as in companies engaged in mining and processing of minerals.
The following programs are implemented at the faculty:
Industrial Thermal Power engineering (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Automation of technological processes and productions in thermal power engineering and heat engineering (Bachelor's degree, second higher education)
☆ All programs are implemented in partnership with the Moscow Institute of Technology.
Humanitarian Faculty of Gaming Industry and E-sports
A specialist in the field of the gaming industry and esports turns his hobby into earnings — he gets professional skills in working with the organization of tournaments, teams, venues, and media. The training is based on analyzing real-world development cases in the gaming industry and drawing up an individual student development plan.
The faculty implements the following programs:
Management in the gaming industry and esports (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Metaverse Management (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Game Developer (College)
Artist in Games (college)
Digital Media in E-sports (College)
Management in E-sports and Digital Sports (Master's degree)
Management of an e-sports organization (graduate course)
Administration of e-sports tournaments (graduate school)
Game development on Unreal Engine 4 using Blueprint technology (courses)
Technical Faculty of Technosphere Safety
Technosphere safety specialists are engaged in forecasting and detecting possible threats, control emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere and hydrosphere, determine permissible norms and limits of human intervention in nature, ensure labor protection of workers in industrial complexes, prevent occupational diseases and injuries, protect society from fires, radiation and other hazards.
The following programs are implemented at the Faculty:
Occupational Safety (Bachelor's degree, second higher education)
Fire Safety (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Safety of technological processes and productions (Bachelor's degree, second higher education)
Urban Construction and Agriculture (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
☆ All programs are implemented in partnership with the Moscow Institute of Technology.
Technical Faculty of Management in Technical Systems
Management in technical systems is a symbiosis of programming and engineering activities in production. The direction trains specialists at the top level of automation of enterprises engaged in the creation of various technological and business processes.
The following programs are implemented at the faculty:
Operator of the dispatching (production and dispatch) service (college)
Systems and means of automation of technological processes (bachelor's degree, second higher)
Integrated security systems (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Quality and management in technical systems (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
☆ All programs are implemented in partnership with the Moscow Institute of Technology.
Technical Faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering
The electric power industry is an industry that includes the production, distribution, transmission and use of electric energy to the consumer. Electrical engineering is devices and complexes of systems involved in the production, transportation and consumption of electrical energy. Specialists in these areas are engaged in the design, production, selection and implementation of electrical systems, maintenance and control of their safety.
The following programs are implemented at the faculty:
Installation, commissioning and operation of electrical equipment for industrial and civil structures (college)
Electric power systems and networks (bachelor's degree, second degree)
Electrical equipment and electrical management of enterprises (Bachelor's degree, second higher education)
Power supply of production facilities (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
☆ All programs are implemented in partnership with the Moscow Institute of Technology
Creative Faculty of Design and Advertising
This is a direction that includes a variety of types of design: from landscape to exhibition, from subject to interior and graphic. Working in this field involves creating an atmosphere of a place and giving it a certain mood. We will teach you how to create a fictional reality, design an artificial 3D environment.
The following programs are implemented at the faculty:
Advertising Specialist (college)
Graphic Designer (college, courses)
Architectural Design (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Designer (Bachelor's degree)
Graphic Design and virtual augmented Reality (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Environment and Interior Design (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Textile Design (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Art Criticism (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Creative industries and project management in the field of art and culture (Master's degree)
Digital Design (Master's degree)
Design and promotion of a digital product (Master's degree)
Art and Design (graduate school)
Fine, Decorative and Applied Arts and Architecture (postgraduate studies)
Technical Aesthetics and Design (postgraduate)
Interior Designer (courses)
Web Designer (courses)
Interior Designer from O to PRO (courses)
Graphic Design from O to PRO (courses)
Web design from O to PRO (courses)
UX design from O to PRO (courses)
The program of two diplomas. Graphic Design (courses)
Humanitarian Faculty of Pedagogy
At the Faculty of Pedagogy at Synergy University, students study only the most relevant world and Russian teaching methods, thanks to this they are able to build a new educational trajectory of the country. We also help students apply their knowledge and skills in real practice in partner companies and in master classes from education specialists, so our graduates are in demand in the labor market.
The following programs are implemented at the faculty:
Educator of preschool children (college)
Primary School Teacher (college)
Psychology and Pedagogy of primary education (Bachelor's degree, second higher education)
Psychology and pedagogy of preschool education (Bachelor's degree, second higher education)
Primary education and foreign language (Bachelor's degree, second higher education)
Teacher of Russian language and literature (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Mathematics and Computer Science (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Teacher of History and Social Studies (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Management in education (Bachelor's degree, second degree, Master's degree)
Psychology of Education (Master's degree)
Psychology and pedagogy of additional education for children (Master's degree)
Innovation Management in Education (Master's degree)
Business Pedagogy and Corporate Training Management (Master's degree)
Methodology and technology of professional education (postgraduate study)
Pedagogy of primary education. Two degree program (courses)
Humanitarian Faculty of Management
Learn the basics of management, economics, strategic planning and HR management. Learn how to manage projects of any scale and bring organizations to peak efficiency.
The following programs are implemented at the faculty:
Logistics (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Project Management (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Management in development (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
General Management (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
HR Management (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Marketing (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Financial Management (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Management in construction (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Energy Management (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Management in Mechanical engineering (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Management of high-tech industries of the petrochemical complex (Bachelor's degree, second higher education)
Management in the oil and gas industry* (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Project Management (Master's degree)
Strategic Management (Master's degree)
Production Management (Master's degree)
HR Management (Master's degree)
Marketing Analytics and Distribution (Master's degree)
Organizational change and organizational development (postgraduate studies)
☆ The program is implemented in partnership with the Moscow Institute of Technology
Technical Faculty of Information Technology
Learn how to develop software, gain in-depth knowledge of 1C, immerse yourself in the specifics of building an enterprise's IT infrastructure and become a universal IT specialist.
The following programs are implemented at the Faculty:
Information Systems Specialist (College)
Development, maintenance and security of information systems (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
IT management in business (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Development of computer games, augmented and virtual reality (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Applied Computer Science in Economics (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Data mining and artificial intelligence (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Information Technology Management in an organization (Master's degree)
Software, Internet and Cloud Technologies (Master's degree)
Digital Project, Product and Innovation Management (Master's degree)
Digital Business (Master's degree)
Digital Economics and Artificial Intelligence (Master's degree)
Mathematical, Statistical and Instrumental Methods in Economics (postgraduate)
Humanitarian Faculty of Linguistics
Linguist is a specialist in the field of linguistics, cultural studies, philology and international relations. Learn foreign languages (at least 2 languages to choose from), complete an internship in foreign organizations, learn to communicate fluently with native speakers and acquire the knowledge necessary to work in international companies and the diplomatic service.
The faculty implements the following programs:
Theory and Practice of Translation (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Interlanguage and intercultural communication (Master's degree)
Translator in the field of professional communication (Chinese) (courses)
Translator in the field of professional communication (English) (courses)
Teaching a foreign language in educational institutions (English) (courses)
Foundation language course (general profile)
Foundation language course (medical profile)
Economic Faculty of Economics
Get excellent theoretical training in economics, complete an internship at the largest banks in the country and become a highly paid specialist in the management of financial resources of the company.
The following programs are implemented at the faculty:
Accountant (college)
General Economics (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Taxes and taxation (Bachelor's degree, second higher education)
Finance and Credit (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Data Science (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Corporate Finance (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Mining Economics* (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
World Economy and Sustainable Development** (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Accounting, analysis and auditing (Bachelor's degree, second higher, Master's degree)
Instrumental methods and models in the digital economy (Master's degree)
Finance (Master's degree, postgraduate degree)
Regional and Sectoral Economics (postgraduate)
Finance Director (courses)
Financial Analyst (courses)
* The program is implemented in partnership with the Moscow Institute of Technology. ** Dubai.
Economic Faculty of Business
This faculty is for those who want to start their own business, for those who want to become a successful entrepreneur: the Faculty of Business will help in developing their own skills, as well as in starting their own business by graduation.
The following programs are implemented at the faculty:
Entrepreneurship (college, bachelor's degree, second higher, postgraduate)
Innovative Entrepreneurship* (Bachelor's degree, second higher)
Entrepreneurship and business organization in the field of information technology (Bachelor's degree, second higher education)
Managing your own business (Master's degree)
Managing your own business. Two degree program (courses)
* Dubai.
Humanitarian Faculty of Sports Industry
The Faculty of Sports Industry at Synergy University is the largest in Russia. Become a highly qualified coach, teacher or manager and contribute to the development of the country's sports industry.
The following programs are implemented at the Faculty:
Sports Management (college, bachelor's degree, second higher education)
Physical education (Bachelor's degree, second higher education)
Coaching in recreational sports and fitness (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Management of game sports (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Entrepreneurship in the sports and wellness industry (Master's degree)
Sports Organization Management (Master's degree)
Entrepreneurship and Commercialization in Sports (postgraduate studies)
Creative Faculty of Film and Television
This is a faculty for those who dream of a career in cinema and television. Unleash your creativity and skills in the production of film and television projects.
The following programs are implemented at the faculty:
Film Actor (college)
Producer in the field of cinematography (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Film and television producer (second degree, specialty)
Cinematographer (second degree, specialty)
Film actor (second degree, specialty)
Economic Faculty of International Business
At the faculty, we will help you develop an entrepreneurial mindset, teach you how to create and develop commercial projects, including those based on innovative technologies.
The following programs are implemented at the faculty:
International trade with China* (bachelor's degree, second higher education)
* China.
Creative Faculty of Animation
The faculty was established jointly with the largest Russian studio for the production of animated films Soyuzmultfilm. We provide up-to-date knowledge on animation art, motion design, and visual special effects. The best specialists of the film studio teach students professional skills based on real cases.
The following programs are implemented at the faculty:
Animation and Animation Film Specialist (College)
Animation and Computer Graphics artist (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Author's and commercial animation (Master's degree)
Technical Faculty of Internet Professions
This faculty is for those who want to ensure the competitiveness, profitability and positive reputation of employer companies. It trains specialists in various fields who will solve specific business tasks: develop the design or technical part of a website and applications, manage projects, promote goods and services.
The following programs are implemented at the faculty:
Web development (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Internet marketing (Bachelor's degree, second degree, Master's degree, courses)
UX/UI Design (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Testing and DevOps (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Brand management in the media space (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Packaging Design and Visual Communication (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Landscape design (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
HR Manager (courses)
Data Analyst (courses)
Brand Manager (courses)
Internet Marketer (courses)
SMM Marketer (courses)
Targetologist (courses)
SMM Specialist (courses)
AI Data Scientist (courses)
Copywriter (courses)
Content Manager (courses)
Managing an online school (courses)
UX/UI Designer (courses)
Residential and commercial interior Designer (courses)
Project Manager (courses)
Internet Marketer PRO (courses)
SEO Specialist (courses)
Commercial Interior Design from O to PRO (courses)
Contextual advertising (courses)
Lumion for landscape designers (courses)
Web Analytics (courses)
Loyalty Marketing (courses)
Humanitarian Faculty of Public and Municipal Administration
The faculty is for those who want to take their place in the most stable sector of the economy, become a professional in decision-making at the federal and municipal levels and build a career in public authorities.
The following programs are implemented at the faculty:
State and Municipal Service (Bachelor's degree, second higher education)
Digital management in the public and municipal service (Bachelor's degree, second higher, Master's degree)
Social mechanisms of interaction between the state and society (postgraduate studies)
Economic Faculty of Banking
A real banking specialist confidently navigates the financial services market and is able to quickly identify customer needs. Such skills can only be acquired in practice, which will begin with your first year of study.
The following programs are implemented at the Faculty:
Banking Specialist (college)
Banking (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Banking Management and Risk Management (Master's degree)
Creative Faculty of Music Industry
The faculty is for those who want to learn how to turn music into money, and hobbies into a prestigious and profitable business. You will become a professional in the music business: you will create stars, work with labels and distributors, find budgets for projects, organize concerts and manage PR campaigns.
The following programs are implemented at the faculty:
Music Industry Management (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Musical Sound Engineer (specialty, second degree)
Humanitarian Faculty of Advertising
Learn the basics of advertising, marketing, branding and PR, master online promotion tools and become an expert in developing creative concepts and vibrant advertising campaigns that everyone will talk about.
The following programs are implemented at the faculty:
Internet Marketing (college, bachelor's degree, second higher education)
Advertising business and digital product promotion (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Project Management in the media industry (Bachelor's degree)
Brand Strategy in Digital Communications (Master's degree)
Digital Media Communications (Master's degree)
Theory and practice of integrated communications (graduate school)
Humanitarian Faculty of Hospitality
This faculty is for those who want to study and become a highly qualified specialist in the field of HoReCa. At the faculty, you will learn how to open your own institution in the field of HoReCa and bring it to the top, get effective work tools used in practice, and also be able to take a high position in the professional field.
The following programs are implemented at the faculty:
Specialist in Tourism and Hospitality (college)
Management in the hotel and restaurant business (courses, bachelor's degree, second higher education)
Hotel and Restaurant Management* (Bachelor's degree)
Theory and practice of integrated communications* (second higher education)
Strategic Management and innovative technologies in the Hospitality industry (Master's degree)
Start-up in the restaurant business (courses)
The program of two diplomas. Management tools in the restaurant and hotel business (courses)
Creative Faculty of Comics
Comics are a unique kind of art, it combines both narrative and visual media. Having developed your own author's style in creating comics, you will be able to work not only in this field, but also become a cartoonist or book designer, graphic designer or storyboard artist in a movie. The comic book market is growing all over the world, in Russia — by 10% per year.
The following programs are implemented at the faculty:
Animation and Animated Films (comics) (college)
Graphic Arts Artist (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Technical Faculty of Unmanned Technologies
In this program, you will learn how to operate and maintain unmanned aircraft systems of various classes and purposes, to diagnose and configure them.
The following programs are implemented at the faculty:
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Operator (College)
Operation and maintenance of unmanned robotic aviation systems (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Creative Art Faculty
Become a professional in the field of art history and art business. Study the entire history of art, from primitive times to the present day, and gain in-depth knowledge and practical skills in various areas of the art business.
The following programs are implemented at the faculty:
Art History and Art Business (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Creative Faculty of Game Design
This faculty is for those who love computer and mobile games and want to create them. It trains specialists who will develop the idea of a game product, its rules, characters and mission, think over the mechanics, configure the configuration and control all stages of testing.
The following programs are implemented at the faculty:
Game design and Game development (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Game design and Game design (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Game Universe Development (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
3D modeler (courses)
3D modeling from O to PRO (courses)
Board Game Developer PRO (courses)
Character Designer (courses)
Game designer in Unity (courses)
Ableton Live from O to PRO (courses)
Mobile game in 24 hours (courses)
Character Design from O to PRO (courses)
Game Designer in Unreal Engine 5 (courses)
Unity Game Developer (courses)
Developer in C# (courses)
Mobile game Developer for Unity (courses)
Mobile games from O to PRO (courses)
Game design from O to PRO (courses)
Game Designer (courses)
Unreal Engine from O to PRO (courses)
Technical Faculty of Artificial Intelligence
This faculty is for those who want to develop such software and mechanisms that will allow computers to learn themselves and make decisions on their own. It trains specialists who can process and analyze big data, train neural networks and analyze robotic processes.
Technical Faculty of Artificial Intelligence
Thermal power engineering is an industry that unites enterprises operating on fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear fuel). Their goal is to produce and deliver energy and heat to the consumer. Graduates of the direction are in demand in construction, technological enterprises, boiler houses, thermal power plants, GRES, thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, as well as in companies engaged in mining and processing of minerals.
The following programs are implemented at the faculty:
Artificial Intelligence and Big Data (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Artificial Intelligence Engineer (AI Engineer) (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Product Manager AI (courses)
Technical Faculty of Robotics
The faculty is aimed at training personnel in the field of industrial robotics involved in the design, programming and maintenance of robots. Our faculty is for you if you want to turn your hobby into a profession, you know that robotics is the future, you are ready to participate in software and algorithm development and you dream of designing and creating promising models.
The following programs are implemented at the Faculty:
Specialist in Mechatronics and Robotics (college)
Robotic and mechatronic automation systems (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Service and industrial mobile robotic systems (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Creative Faculty of Production
The first unique program in Russia to train specialists in the field of business production in all directions. A profession based not only on creativity, but also on a strong management base.
The following programs are implemented at the faculty:
Production (Bachelor's degree, second higher education)
Event management (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Creative Faculty of Production
Choose an area of law that interests you, learn how to navigate modern legislation and practice in government and judicial authorities to obtain all the competencies of a professional lawyer.
The following programs are implemented at the faculty:
Production (Bachelor's degree, second higher education, college)
Event management (Bachelor's degree, second degree, college)
Economic Faculty of e-commerce
This faculty is for those who want to organize trading on online platforms on the Internet. It trains specialists who will choose the most suitable trading platforms for their product, explore trends, consumer activity and build an appropriate promotion strategy.
The faculty implements the following programs:
Management and technology of Internet sales on marketplaces (Bachelor's degree, second higher education)
Electronic Business and Digital Innovations (Master's degree)
Online Store Management Manager (courses)
E-commerce Director (courses)
Internet marketer in e-commerce (courses)
How to sell on marketplaces (courses)
Marketplace Manager (courses)
Head of the e-commerce department (courses)
Owner of a fashion brand in e-commerce (courses)
Launching an online store from scratch to profit (courses)
Implementation of an ERP system in e-commerce (courses)
Creative The School of the New Theater
The faculty trains specialists with broad artistic erudition, confident managerial qualities, freedom of thought and understanding how to monetize a creative product.
The following programs are implemented at the faculty:
Actor (college)
Actor of the drama theater (specialty, second degree)
Acting (Master's degree)
New Theatre School (courses)
Humanitarian Faculty of Smart Cities
A smart approach to the development of the city. Gain skills in managing smart cities by studying the world's best practices in implementing smart technologies. Develop projects together with faculty partners.
The faculty implements the following programs:
Intelligent Integrated Systems. Technician in Intelligent Integrated Systems (College)
Housing and Communal Infrastructure. Green digital technologies in urban economy (Bachelor's degree, second higher education, Master's degree)
Urban Innovation Management (Bachelor's degree, second higher, Master's degree)
Thermal Power Engineering and Heat Engineering* (Bachelor's degree, second higher)
Electric Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering* (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
State and Municipal Administration (postgraduate studies)
* The program is implemented in partnership with the Moscow Institute of Technology.
Technical Faculty of Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity is the key to the stability of any structure, from a small company to the state as a whole. In Russia, they are just beginning to understand the importance of this idea: large corporations hire specialists in order not to suffer multimillion-dollar losses, and small and medium-sized businesses often pay fines for data leaks. If you want to build a career in the promising field of combating cyber threats, then enroll in the Faculty of Cybersecurity.
The following programs are implemented at the faculty:
Security of computer systems in the field of professional activity (Bachelor's degree, second higher education)
Humanitarian Programs in a foreign language
The faculty's programs are aimed at students acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to create and develop their own business or manage the company's capital. Depending on the chosen profile, students will learn how to analyze the processes of financial and economic activity of the enterprise, assess the financial condition of the company and propose methods to improve its efficiency or find a promising business idea, choose a niche in accordance with global trends, set up business processes, manage a team and much more.
The following programs are implemented at the faculty:
Finance and Credit in Uzbek (Bachelor's degree, second higher education)
Entrepreneurship in English (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Creative Faculty of Media
You will receive all the necessary skills to make a successful career in the media. You will learn how to create high-quality content for classic TV, an author's blog and a multimedia portal. Master the profession of a TV presenter, journalist, producer, and documentary filmmaker. You will understand how the modern editorial office is organized and how it is managed. And the main thing is that already in the first year you will start working in your specialty.
The following programs are implemented at the faculty:
Creation and promotion of media products (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
International Journalism* (Bachelor's degree, second degree)
Social mechanisms of interaction between the state and society (postgraduate studies)